Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chatting Experience…

“Oh, how wonderful!”, “Oh, are you sure?”, “No, I’m not yet married!”, “Yes Sir!”, “Thank you Sir…” this is the phrase that I commonly answer to the question of my chat mate. Or “18, male, Philippines”, "Hello, can you be my friend?”, “may I know your name?” the common words I ever enter and submitted.

But the funniest things I ever experienced, when the entire foreigner that I had chatted suddenly rejected me, every time they saw me they heard my voice, they directly off their line, but the unlucky chatter still replied “hey, why are you rejecting me?” and still hopping for some reply.

As the hour goes by when there is unexpected call came and I directly accept those calls, but unfortunately he also directly ended his call when he heard my voice and sent to me a message “sorry”. Oh another unlucky experience.

When the day are gradually turn to night, I’m still there hopefully facing the computer and waiting for some blessing to come. Finally for almost a day I had waiting; the fortune finally came to me for those moments. I know him through his name Venods, I don’t know if it is true, but for me I really met my blessings. He is an Indian, 35 and a married with four siblings.

As our conversation going deeper, the hour I ever extend to my internet was finally expired and our communication was totally ended …. Oh, how unlucky I am for this kind of socialization. Is the bad luck bounded to my whole life?


  1. that's the right idea,.but chatting can make an influence to our study.
